About Us

Thanks for visiting this page and wanting to learn more about us. We are a family run business. We are a family that loves to get outside enjoy extreme sports. We have owned several boats and recently sold our boat in the hope to start this business venture. We are a family full of entrepreneurial spirits, from starting lawn mowing businesses to selling candy at school. We love comfortable clothes and thought that maybe if we offer comfortable clothes with sick designs and offer them at a reasonable price, we could possibly make a business of it. So here is our shot at it!

The first major goal of our company will be comfort. We will strive to provide the most comfortable clothing available so that you will look good and feel good wearing our clothes.

As part of our business model, we will offer giveaways. Our goal is to at some point, be able to offer a large giveaway such as a boat. There are other companies out there that offer cars and trucks as part of giveaways on their websites, but we haven’t found any that offer boats. So we would like to be one of the first to do so.

Thanks again for visiting our site and we hope that you enjoy you SkullRidez clothing and share you’re your friends and family.